Do Better-Live Better-Be Better
By promoting positive behavior through daily tips. Address negative habits with guidance on mental health challenges, whilst fostering new life skills effectively.
Our program is culturally sensitive and adaptable, catering to individuals, families, groups, and diverse needs such as corporate clients, athletes, young people in recovery, disadvantaged jobseekers, and re-entry programs for individuals in correctional centres. It focuses on three educational priorities: improving behavior, letting go of negative habits, and developing essential life skills.
Client Journey
Our flexible self-development support program adapts to your current needs. It includes introductory modules on mental health, trauma-informed care, and addiction, integrating seamlessly with existing pathways and services.
1. Personalised Profiling
Understanding life history and collecting your story. Start to build your portfolio
2. "What do you want?"
Introduce personal goal-setting alongside lifetime timeline and daily clock self-development tools.
3. Break the Habits
Start identifying core habits and behaviors. Connect them to personal goals and understand how they hinder progress. Begin crafting your self-development objectives.
4. Life Timeline
Discover which key life events shape your habits. Embrace "Awareness, Acceptance, and Action." Confront challenges with compassion to uncover your purpose.
5. Planning for Goals
Heighten awareness of your behavior and interactions with others. Set and connect life goals to daily and fortnightly worksheets. Stop blaming external factors for your life problems.
Our Team
Some of the comments of people we have helped
Simple advice: it's not rocket science. Take action, action, and more action to achieve your goals.